Floating: perceiving Zen in the bathroom

4 min readOct 30, 2021


Have you ever completely detached yourself from everything that happened? And now we are not talking about meditation and the attainment of nirvana. Does it seem that the state of complete relaxation is a myth? It’s just that you haven’t tried floating yet: a simple, healthy, and affordable way for everyone to find Zen.

What is floating?

Floating is an innovative method of healing, which helps the patient to “float” on the surface of the water. The procedure is performed in a closed capsule or room, which is not penetrated by sounds, light, and smells from the outside. A person remains alone with himself, which allows achieving complete relaxation and unity with one’s body. Down with stress and irritation: you find complete harmony with your thoughts and feelings during floating.

Interesting fact from VETLIVA: the first studies of sensory deprivation (complete isolation from physical stimuli) were carried out back in 1954. Then the effectiveness of float cameras in the fight against diseases of the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and other systems of the human body was experimentally proven.

How does it work?

You are immersed in the water of a small bath, but you do not have to strain your muscles like swimming. The salt content in the water is so high that it holds your body itself. But it is not only the muscular system that rests. The pressure and heart rate return to normal, the organs are saturated with oxygen, and the general well-being becomes better. Just imagine: it is believed that 1 hour of floating is comparable to a full night of sleep!

Beauties, take a note: water with a high salt content will reduce your costs for cosmetology, because floating helps smooth wrinkles, reduces the appearance of cellulite, improves skin nutrition, and normalizes complexion. And it is also essential for pregnant women: a floating camera helps to reduce the load on the spine and relieve the expectant mother from stress.

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: many people compare the floating procedure with soaring in zero gravity or swimming in the waters of the Dead Sea, in which, as you know, due to the high salt content, it is almost impossible to drown. You don’t have to fly into space, or even to Israel, to experience this incredible feeling of flying on yourself. It is enough to choose one of the health resorts in Belarus and be convinced of the miraculous power of floating on your own experience.

Floating can also be carried out “dry”, as, for example, the procedure is done in the “Pridneprovsky” health resort. The patient simply enjoys relaxation without touching the water: they are separated by a thin layer of waterproof fabric. There is practically no significant difference between dry and wet methods, except that after dry floating you do not have to wash off excess salt.

Who needs it?

Floating is a relaxing spa treatment, therefore it is recommended to almost everyone. It will benefit people who suffer from nervous disorders, depression and stress, diseases of the spine and skin, migraines, and chronic fatigue especially.


In fact, there are very few of them. Do not float if you are claustrophobic or epileptic, have open wounds or abrasions, have an infection, or have had a heart attack. Also, the procedure is contraindicated in patients with alcohol or drug addiction.

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