Half marathons in Belarus: run, health, beauty

3 min readOct 22, 2021


Mass races in Belarus are not only a way to improve your health. Doing your favorite fitness, you can at the same time see the surrounding beauty. That is why many people prefer this format of exploring a city. So today VETLIVA will tell you about the most popular races that take place in Belarus.

Minsk half marathon

One of the largest Belarusian half marathons in 2021 in Belarus was already held in September. But don’t surrender yourself to despair: from now, you have a full year to prepare for the next one!

Route. Pobediteley Avenue (Sports Palace) → Independence Avenue → GUM. Then the routes diverge and merge again only at the intersection of Masherov Avenue and Pobediteley Avenue. Participants finish in the same place where the race starts.

The Republican Athletics Race is an almost complete sightseeing tour of Minsk. Red Church and Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Government House, and National Academic Theater. Yanka Kupala, Victory, and Independence squares — Minsk appears before the runners in all its glory! And do not forget that the capital of Belarus in September is more beautiful than ever because the annual half marathon is timed to coincide with its birthday.

Polessky cross

A small town of Ivanovo in the Brest region hosts fans of athletics every spring. Just imagine: in 2021, the competition was held here for the 16th time! Athletes and sports fans compete for the prizes of Vladimir Tyamchik, the international master of sports.

Route. The track is laid in a picturesque place — a 1 km long circle runs around the local reservoir.

Distances. There are several distances to choose from:

  • 10 km
  • 6 km
  • 3 km

The highlight of the competition every year is the Polesie Talents — children’s races of 200, 300, and 500 meters. Perhaps, our future prize-winners of the European or even Olympic Games are grown up here!

Garadzenskaya Vandrouka

Garadzenskaya Vandrouka is an athletics race in Belarus that conducts two missions at once. You can try your hand at one of two distances, and get acquainted with the main sights of Grodno along the way.

Route. The starting shot traditionally sounds on the picturesque Lenin Square and passes through the historic center of Grodno.

Distances. Participants of the race in Grodno can choose one of the distances of 5 or 10 km. During the run, athletes will see:

  • Farny church,
  • Bernardine monastery,
  • the historical building of the Drama Theater,
  • New and Old Castles and much more.

Brest cross-triathlon

In Brest, they go beyond: a 3-in-1 race is organized here. Here you can try your hand not only in running but also in swimming and cycling.

Route. The cross triathlon takes place in a picturesque place — in the area of the rowing canal.

Distances. Swimmers compete at a distance of 400 m, runners must cover 5 km and the longest route awaits cyclists — they have to cover 22 km.

VETLIVA gives advice: Brest is an incredibly beautiful city full of attractions. And therefore, going to the competition, be sure to carve out a few days to get acquainted with the city.

There are other athletics competitions in Belarus, timed to coincide with various dates and events. These are New Year’s runs, and the Interstate Osipovichi Marathon, and the Bragin Ten, a race dedicated to Victory Day in Shchuchin, and BaRUNovichy RUN — there are plenty of options where to go for positive emotions and adrenaline. However, please note that events may be postponed and canceled due to the unstable epidemiological situation!




VETLIVA is a multifunctional online booking service and a catalog of tourist services specializing in rest and tourism in Belarus.