Hypoxic therapy: treatment with mountain air without … mountains!

3 min readOct 29, 2021


It is a pity that Belarus does not have its mountains… However, to breathe in the mountain air deeply, you do not have to go to the utmost of the Earth! Have you heard about an unusual procedure called “normobaric hypoxic therapy”? The process of inhaling mountain air is hidden behind this tricky concept. Do you want to know how this procedure is useful and whether you need it specifically? Read our material to the end!

What is hypoxic therapy?

The Mountain Air procedure is a non-drug method of prophylaxis, as well as alleviating the condition of patients with various diseases. The method’s name is based on the inhalation of rarefied air with a high nitrogen content and a low oxygen concentration. Those daredevils who go nap on conquering the mountain peaks encounter this condition.

Of course, it can be quite difficult for an unprepared person to breathe thin air for a long time. That is why the patients alternate it with the usual air during the session. Special devices help to accurately dose the oxygen content and deliver the gas mixture to a person through an oxygen mask and a wired system.

Advice from VETLIVA: do you want to know where hypoxic therapy is performed in Belarus so that you don’t have to get to Everest by hook or by crook? Keep a list of health resorts where you can breathe in the mountain air, and at the same time improve your health and relax.

How does it work?

Do you remember what the highlanders are famous for? The secret of their longevity lies precisely in living at a high altitude. Moderate hypoxia, or oxygen starvation, helps to significantly improve the adaptive abilities of the body, increase immunity, and also:

● improve microcirculation in organs and tissues, which is carried out by opening the reserve capillaries,

● reduce the risk of allergy attacks and their activity,

● improve the work of the endocrine system,

● relieve stress,

● improve performance and reduce fatigue,

● improve the condition of patients with the asthenic syndrome, etc.

Note! Increasing the immune system and protective functions of the body is what people who have had a coronavirus infection need. COVID-19 is dangerous for its side effects, and therefore it is recommended to start rehabilitation as early as possible.

Who needs it?

The hypoxic therapy procedure has practically no contraindications. It is most effective for patients with diseases of:

● cardio-vascular system;

● respiratory organs like bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, pharyngitis, etc.

● CNS and peripheral nervous system;

● endocrine system;

● genitourinary system;

● gastrointestinal tract (only in remission),

● oncology (useful for those undergoing radiation and chemotherapy).

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: hypoxic therapy helps pregnant women to endure childbirth easier, and it is noted that children are born stronger and healthier.


Mountain Air is not recommended for patients with acute illnesses accompanied by fever and inflammation. Also, the procedure cannot be performed by patients with individual intolerance to oxygen starvation and acute somatic diseases, for example, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, etc.

Already fired up with the desire to taste the mountain air and test the strength of your body? Then go ahead: the health resorts of Belarus are waiting! And your humble servant, the guide to Belarus VETLIVA, will continue to acquaint you with the most interesting things in the blue-eyed.




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