Secrets of Belarusian castles: mystical investigation

3 min readAug 29, 2021


Ghosts live in almost every castle.

Some of them are peaceful, while others do nasty things to those who disturb their peace. If you like atmospheric and mysterious places, take a trip to the castles of Belarus. Together with VETLIVA, we will compose a mystical route for you.

Kossovo castle

We have already told you about ghosts in Mir and Nesvizh castles. Of course, this is a classic, and you need to start by visiting these places. But this is not the end of the ghost hunt — it is just beginning.

Travel to the castle located in Kossovo. It is impressive now and no less delightful in the 19th century. The castle had about 100 rooms. There was a room with a glass floor under which fish were swimming. The palace was guarded by a lion that walked along the corridors, according to legend.

A dramatic story is connected with this castle.

One of the tycoons who was staying at the castle took a liking to a pretty maid. But she didn’t reciprocate. Then the man invited the girl to his room for the last time. After being rejected again, he got angry and kicked her out. And the lion wandered along the corridor. Since then, no one has seen the beauty. Her ghost is haunting the castle, according to the legend.

The ghost of the Black Lady, Countess Jadwiga Puslovskaya, also lives here. She loved sledding not only in winter but also in summer. That’s why the yard and the garden were sprinkled with salt. The Countess was cursed by the gardeners and grooms, who were tired of saving the horses and restoring the garden. The curse worked.

The countess was furious when she learned that the palace was sold for gambling debts, and began to appear to descendants in the form of a ghost, according to another version. Book a tour to visit this place and hear about other legends.

Krevo castle

Only ruins remain of this complex, but voices can be heard there at night. The locals also say that several ghosts live here.

One of them is the spirit of a girl who was walled up in a castle wall.

The beauty was liked by two noblemen, and after a duel took place between them, she refused the winner.

Another story is connected with this castle. Prince Jagiello gave the order to strangle in the dungeon his rival in the struggle for the throne Keistut in 1382. Keistut’s son, Vitovt, managed to escape from the pursuers. He disguised himself as a servant and left the castle.

Legend says that the ghost of the girl in whose clothes Keystut fled is still wandering in the castle, and the spirits of the murderers of Prince Keistut also live here.

Golshany castle

The complex was built in the first half of the 17th century, but only ruins remain of it. Passers-by are horrified by the ghost of the Black Monk — a rootless guy Gremislav Valyuzhinich, who fell in love with Princess Golshanskaya, according to the legend. To meet the girl, he disguised himself as a monk. The father of the princess found out about this and gave the order to wall up the young man within the walls of the castle.

Another ghost, which wanders here, is the spirit of the White Lady.

She was the wife of one of the builders of the monastery complex, who was sacrificed to finish building the wall, which was sagging all the time.

Book an excursion to hear different mysterious legends, visit the castles and discover the secrets they keep.




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